Notes on LaTeX

Advanced LaTeX commands and packages

Commands and packages to organize large documents

  1. \input{} and \include{}: Both allow including external tex files into the current file. \input doesn’t start from a new page, but \include does; \include allow nested file including while \input doesn’t.

  2. \import{<directory>}{<filename>} and \subimport{}{}: Similar to \input, but allows compiling the external files in their own directory. See document.

  3. The standalone package: Once \usepackage{standalone} or \RequiredPackage{standalone} is used, the included external files can be a complete LaTeX file. Otherwise, the external files should be code fractions in most cases. Note that, when standalone package is used, the included sub-document will use the preamble from the main document instead. See here for more information.

  4. The CatchFilesBetweenTags package: This package allows to include external code fractions enclosed inside of a pair of tag (can be any words) in the format of %<*tag> and %</tag> (tag can be any name). The command \ExecuteMetaData[path/to/file]{tag} is commonly used to execute/expand tagged code into the current document. See this example. It might have problems due to conflicts with other packages or settings. For example, see here for LuaTeX compiling and here for endline characters.

    When using these packages, you might encounter some errors, which otherwise may not occur. Here are some and the corresponding solutions.
    • Error “Too many math alphabets in math normal”. Put the following lines before using the bm and/or bbm or other font packages if used (see here):

    • The authors of CatchFilesBetweenTags decided to issue \endlinechar=-1, which causes the linebreaks vanish. The following codes is a workaround from tex.stackexchange article “only part of a file using catchfilebetweentags package.”

        %\endlinechar\m@ne % <- this is the guilty party
        \makeatletter #2%
      }% \CatchFBT@Final
  5. In organizing Table of Content, here are some tips:
    • One can include the Index in the TOC by using

      \makeindex[columns=2, title=Index, intoc]
    • To insert a self-defined section/chapter name to the TOC, place the following line at proper section/chaper positions in the main text:

      \addcontentsline{toc}{section/chapter}{Unnumbered Section name}

Tips on using the makeindex package (imakeidx)

  1. For index word started with a special character (like accents or math symbols), use \index{example@\'example} syntax to format the real word after the @ symbol.

  2. Subentries can be nestled using the ! symbol. For example, \index{main!sub}.

  3. Cross-referencing may be defined using the | symbol. For example, \index{bird|see {flying animal}}.

  4. If the hyperref package is included at the end of the preamble, indexed works will be hyperlinked to the page. Otherwise, no hyperlinks to the page numbers.

  5. It may cause conflicts if the \index is used twice after the same word. The error message may be use of \@index doesn't match its definition.

  6. When math equations are used in the section/chapter names, use \texorpdfstring{equations}{textreplacement} to define a pure text phrase to replace the math symbols. This will prevent warning Token not allowed in a PDF string for bookmarks in PDF. Line break symbol \\ should be removed in the simplified version of section names in the format of \section[shortname]{full \\ name}.

  7. When compiling a tex file including the imakeidx package, the makeindex *.idx command will be automatically running with pdflatex or pdftex. To avoid the Label(s) may have been changed. Rerun the command to update the index error, it is better to run pdflatex for at least 3 times.

Formatting tricks

Handling figures

On placing figures in place

  1. Use \begin{figure}[!tbp] ... \end{figure} environment to fix the position of figures as in the tex. The [h] (here) position option might generate some problems, which will push figures to the end of a chapter or before a new page break.

  2. If the float package and command is used, the placeins package might be helpful to place the float figures at a more controllable manner. Otherwise, the float figures might go to the end of the document or chapter. The following code, for instance, will fix the placement of figures to corresponding subsections level. See reference here.

    \gdef\@fb@afterHHook{\@fb@topbarrier \gdef\@fb@afterHHook{}}}%

    Then place \FloatBarrier to where the bottom line of allowed floating for figures before in TeX.

Troubleshooting figure issues

  1. If encountering the “missing $ inserted” error for content inside of the shortname of a figure caption, it might be caused by a square bracket in an inline equation. The shortname of a caption is defined in a pair of square brackets by \caption[]{} syntax and will close whenever it finds a close square bracket, including the square bracket inside an equation environment, like $a=\left[f(x)\right]$. To avoid this problem, put any square brackets in a pair of curly brackets before placing them in the caption shortname environment.

  2. Errors Undefined control sequence and Missing \endgroup inserted may occur if a macro is not defined correctly; if a macro or a self-defined shorthand is used in the shortname part of the caption of a figure and the list of figures is compiled to generate, these errors may also occur, which is caused by the fact that compiling the list of figures may not call the self-defined commands (including citations) in the process.

Tips on using TikZ and PGFplots